Sunday service and news booklets
Download the most recent news and service booklets below.
Easter and Holy Week 2025
13 April: Palm Sunday
10.15am: Sung Eucharist
14-16 April: Monday to Wednesday in Holy Week
9pm: Compline with Address
16 April: Wednesday in Holy Week
12pm: Chrism Mass at Walsingham Parish Church
17 April: Holy (Maundy) Thursday
10.30am Chrism Mass at Ely Cathedral
8pm: Commemoration of the Last Supper with Reception of Holy Oils and Washing of Feet followed by Keeping of the Watch
18 April: Good Friday
11am: Family Stations of the Cross
2pm: Liturgy of Good Friday
7.30pm: Maria Desolata
19 April: Holy Saturday (Easter Eve)
9pm: Vigil and First Mass of Easter
20 April: Easter Day
10.15am: Sung Eucharist
Booze in the Pews
Our popular beer festival Booze in the Pews will return on 9-11 October 2025!
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