There are many ways in which to donate to All Saints Parish Church to help us in our mission.
Donate online
You can make a donation online using the bank details below:
Name: St. Ives Parochial Church Council
Sort code: 20-43-63
Account: 60775193
You can donate using PayPal by following the link below:
Set up a Direct Debit to give regularly
The Church of England runs a Parish Giving Scheme that enables you to give regularly by direct debit.
Donations can be made monthly, quarterly or annually through a secure system that can incorporate Gift Aid.
Find out more about the scheme on their website or call 0333 002 1271 and quote our Parish Code which is 140614201.
Alternatively, you can use our bank details above to set up a Standing Order with your bank that will automatically transfer money from your account into the Church’s bank account safely each month.
This is a great way to give each week to the church without the need to bring cash with you to services, and you can change or cancel the order at any time.
Gift Aid
You can boost your donation by 25p for every £1 you donate using Gift Aid. Read more about Gift Aid here.
To help us claim Gift Aid on your behalf, download and complete the Gift Aid form and return it by email to:
Write a cheque to the Church
Cheques can be written to the St Ives Parochial Church Council and sent to:
The Treasurer
c/o The Vicarage
Westwood Road
St. Ives
PE27 6DH
Leave a legacy
If you would like to leave a legacy for All Saints in your Will, or donate in another way, please contact the Treasurer:
Local businesses
Local businesses can support All Saints by making a donation or sponsoring one of our events or appeals. If you could like to become an All Saints corporate donor or sponsor then get in touch with our Treasurer on
Thank you for helping us.